How do I use the app to upgrade firmware now?
How do I use the app to upgrade firmware now?
This version of the app adds features for multiple speaker setups. However, the interface and general usability had taken a huge step back. The development team really needs to reconsider the current design; its not good. Forcing the user to swipe through pages of presets is annoying at best. What was wrong with a list? It was much easier to quickly find what youre looking for.
A calamity of an update. Rendered my Zipp unusable. Im actually throwing away the device on principle. Wish Id never supported this company.
I refuse to now create and account for a three year old speaker.
This is the first time I write a review of an app. This is the worst app ever. I have two Libratone speakers. Today I try to configure the Lounge in the living room by using the uptodated app. It doesnt work at ALL. Then after four hours trying, I download the old version of this app by using my old touch. It just works perfect when I set it through the old app. F.cking stupid new version.
The new UI in this app is insanely terrible. Very frustrating to an existing user. Ive been struggling to reconfigure my zipp. Simple text help dialogs are buggy and hidden, and flash and appear when you try to scroll. Never should have updated.
This update killed my speaker. Useless now!
Registration with an email address is now required to use the app. A convoluted interface that can lead you around in circles. So much worse than previous versions.
This Libratone app is equally unusable, designed by a clueless print-designer, and more about marketing its newest speakers, than helping you get the most out of your +$390 purchase. The previous version of this app was actually useable and useful. The Libratone speakers, of which I have two, feature unreliable Apple AirPlay implementation. (In theory Apple AirPlay doesnt compress the audio like Bluetooth does) Youll end up buying a cable to jack in instead.
I stopped using the libratone a while ago due to constant fiddly things that didnt work properly. Infuriating. Later I got a Sonos, forgot about the libratone and chalked it up to "experience " ie, mad to have bought a disappointing piece of equipment. But last week I pulled the libratone out of closet.and gave it another go. After all wouldnt you think the company had gotten things sorted out by now? Uh, no. Its worse. The speaker is impossible to connect, app useless ---and the company wants your email address??? Arent they at least a little embarrassed? Im going to buy another Sonos or something similar that I know works.